Sunday, April 29, 2012

Attitude of Gratitude

It's Spring time that brings bears out of their dens and gives me yet another time during the year to reflect on all that is good in my life.

I continue to be thankful for the people in my life.  Not just happy, but truly THANKFUL!

The kids still 'forget' to flush the toilet, but I'm thankful they're healthy and not in diapers or on dialysis...or worse.

My home may be messy, but I'm thankful I HAVE a home to live in (it's the 'lived-in look' anyway).

The 'Grandma Dog' Daisy (age 16!) barks incessantly at all hours, but I'm thankful she's still alive.

My job is stressful, but I'm thankful I HAVE a job!

My communication skills may need work, but I'm thankful I still have a voice (though some people would question that...).

My hair is graying and my knees crack, but I still have my health (though I wonder at times...).

My house is full of laughter and tears, lots of little feet (both human and canine) and a few broken items - but I'll take it any day of the week!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

But vs. And

In my new venture to improve my communication skills, I have discovered the book Tongue Fu at School by Sam Horn.  I'm only 4 chapters in and it has struck me as very user-friendly and I have already applied several of the tips in only a few days.  I hope to add some of my own comments to each of the strategies, and how I have used them as both a teacher and a mom.

The first chapter is simply to avoid argumentative words - simply to avoid canceling what has been said.  This is primarily by eliminating the word BUT any conversation and replace it with AND.  'And' both acknowledges someones comments or situation and advances the conversation.  'But' contradicts anything that was initially said and stops the conversation.  I have found myself running into this situation several times, trying to avoid excuses for either a behavior or an event and having the student focus on their accountability.

I'm looking forward to reading (and blogging about) the rest of the book, and applying it to not only my own job and family, but also extending it as life lessons for both my students and my kiddos.