Saturday, March 26, 2011

Coffee is my drug of choice

I think I'm looking into stock in Colombian Coffee Fields... I may not be a connoisseur of the 'finer things' or names of things or flavors - but my taste buds know what I love!

Nothing special, just the little yummies that start my day off on the right foot! And it's interesting how much I am affected when I don't get the caffeine I need...dramatically alters my mood in fact...but if I am a true creature of habit, I'm OK.

Funny how weekend mornings actually throw me off of my game more than the routine of the weekday. I think I'm going to get another cup. Cheers!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring into action and stand up for yourself

To know oneself, one should assert oneself.
Albert Camus

Soul searching is a good way to pass the time. Identifying your interests, your dislikes, what makes you. My creative side is coming I find junk to make into something new.

Inspiration hits me especially when Spring finally rears it's feeble head after the winter we've had!

The grass is finally visible. The Derby is done. Testing is around the corner. The garden is being planned out. And I'm down to my last jar of salsa! Let spring hit.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Water, Water, Everywhere!

Mother Nature is laughing her ass off. I can't believe the amount of snow, water, snow, ice, snow, rain, ugh! I'm so sick of it. I almost am ready to welcome the mosquitoes...but then, with our luck from this bizarre weather forecast, we'll most likely have a drought!

The water table has risen and the sump pump is running, although now at a non-constant rate. The Worcester girls had a good 4 inches in the basement and a lot of crap that had to be hauled out. What a mess! At least now we know where NOT to store items. A very messy lesson learned.

I am looking forward to planning out the garden this spring - that is, if I can ever see the backyard again (it's currently still buried in snow and dog piles). Unfortunately, I forgot to till up the soil before it froze, so it's going to be a mess when the ground finally thaws. I'll have to haul in the compost.

As for the winter blahs - they definitely have hit. Enjoying driving to school in the light (barely) and coming home in the light (barely) rather than the darkness of the deep winter. Days are getting longer and the school year is on the downhill slide (although the kids have been sliding downhill since Christmas...)