Time flies when you're having fun. Summer has come to a close as we hunkered down for Hurricane Irene - fortunately, a bust around here, but other places are seeing swollen rivers and cars bobbing downstream like rubber ducks. Dangerous - and hopefully, people took precautions and aren't being stupid.
The kids are excited that they have an extra day off (call it a snow day for lack of another term) but I'm surprised that the delay isn't posted online on either the school site or the television station. We received a phone call on Saturday from the Superintendent, enough to ease my mind prior to the storm, but I assumed that the television stations didn't post it yet...focusing more on the canceled church services and shelter openings. However, it is now Sunday evening and it still isn't posted. Of course, the kids were expecting to go on Tuesday anyway...so maybe it will show up on the scroll tomorrow.
As for summer, it was a blast - busy, busy, busy. Still have a long list of items that weren't accomplished, but did get through many of the little items on the list. Throwing in the towel on some of the items that I am perfectly capable of, but choosing not to (painting rooms, major cleaning), I think I'll give in to the hiring squad. I can't do it all of course, but would like to have a clean house for more than 10 minutes.
Awaiting the onset of fall weather to make the switch for seasonal clothes. Might be able to get a few more weeks out of the summerish items before packing them up and finding the wool sweaters and snow boots. And then I'll be eagerly anticipating the next real snow day!